Well, Thursday night rolled around and we were still going forward with our plans. As far as we knew our flight was still on schedule. Katie Roz actually backed out at first, but after having a productive evening working on her paper, decided to take a chance and risk getting stranded :) We headed out on the late night bus and were at Dublin Airport at about 4:30 AM. Our flight left bright and early at 6:30 AM.
When we got to Rome it was raining. This was not good--the tennis shoes I had packed were starting to fall apart and there were huge holes in the bottoms. And seeing as it rained almost all day Friday, my feet were SOAKED at the end.
Anywho, after we got in to the city from the airport, I called my friend Lindsey from UWEC who is studying abroad there this semester. Upon hearing I was going to be in Rome, she offered to show us around and have dinner! We met up at the train station near our hostel and she took us to the Colosseum. She was a fountain of information--how she remembered all that information astounded me. And we came at the perfect time because it was Culture Week and a lot of places were free to get in to--including the Colosseum! Woot woot! Last week was also Rome's 2,763 birthday!!
After the Colosseum, we went to check in to our hostel. The place was called the Overseas B&B. The office was super tiny and the guy at the desk went to take us to our room, which was actually located in a building around the corner on the next street over! We were wondering where he was taking us! The elevator was super tiny and wouldn't close because we had too much stuff in it, so we had to take the stairs. We were in room 401, but it felt like way more than just 4 flights of stairs! The room wasn't too bad. We were in a 4 person so didn't have to worry about sharing it with any creepers. After getting our stuff settled in, we went to Lindsey's neighborhood and she took us to her favorite gelato place. It was delicious!!! and only 1.50 for a cone with up to 3 flavors! Good deal!
Next, Lindsey took us to one of her favorite restaurants in Rome, La Fate (The Fairy) For 10 Euro, we got a 3 course meal: a delicious appetizer, some pesto pasta (my favorite) and a nutella tart dessert. Oh, and not to mention wine :) It was a phenomenal day in Rome, despite being rainy and we were so grateful for Lindsey for all the places she showed us! She got us on the bus we needed to get back to our hostel. I showered, got ready for bed and then was out!!
After checking out the inside of the church, we headed up the stairs to the dome. CRAZIEST SET OF STAIRS EVER. There were multiple different kinds, long ones that were used for horses (why there would be horses inside going up and down the stairs I'll never know) Towards the top they got really narrow and part of the wall slanted over us so we had to go sideways. I was really huffing and puffing towards the end and I thought I was going to keel over. The view was well worth it though. I couldn't help but think while I stood and leaned on the railing, "Little Katie Andrist, from little old Elk Mound, Wisconsin, is looking at almost all of Rome right now." I just honestly can't believe this has happened to me, and that I've gone to all these amazing places. I am very near being broke financially right now, but seriously, it's been worth it because I will never have a chance to go to this many cool places for the prices that I have ever again, and I would have never met all the people I met this semester.
Anyway...I'll save the reminiscing, what-I've-learned-and-how-I've-changed sentimentality for another entry. Here are some pictures from the top of the dome.
Our flight Sunday left at 10:55 AM. It was nice to not have to crash at the airport this time. Katie headed off to Poland. I am a little sad I didn't make it to Poland because I had really wanted to see Auschwitz, but I can't really complain. I still find it hard to believe I can say I've been to Rome. All these places used to seem so far away and unattainable. Oh boy. Here I go again!
This week is Reading Week...our lectures have ended and finals start next week. I have started studying, maybe not as much as I should. All my finals are essay exams...yuck! Luckily I know for the most part exactly what questions will be on them and I can pick which ones I want to do, so that should make studying less of a challenge than trying to cram everything in to my brain.
This weekend a big group of us are going to the Wicklow Mountains, where Braveheart and like, omg...PS I LOVE YOU was filmed. We are going to Dublin Friday to do a little souvenir shopping because they actually have shops with decent prices, spending the night in a hostel, and then doing a tour Saturday and then heading back Saturday night.
oh and ps. I ended up throwing my shoes out...they got so wet from the rain and smelled really bad and the bottoms were just completely obliterated!