But, now, I will back track to report what happened the previous week, Feb 8-12. To be honest, it was a fairly average week for the most part. Tuesday I had my immigration appointment! We had to go to the Garda (po po) station and meet with an immigration officer. I went with Katie. It was funny finally showing the woman the forms I had prepared almost a year ago when I first got accepted to study abroad. We had to show our passport, some sort of proof of financial support (i.e., bank statement or in my case a notarized letter from my parents saying they won't let me become a financial burden on the country) and a letter from UL saying that I was an international student. We got our pictures taken and then they scanned our fingerprints! So I best not find myself a suspect in a criminal case ;) For some reason, my prints weren't going on and I had to redo it a few times. My picture on my card is actually pretty nice. After that, we walked back to the bus stop and passed a group of unsupervised middle-school aged children and one of the boys was chasing the others with a binder and hitting them with it. I was afraid for my life! The children here are scarier than some of the adults. I have had quite a few interesting experiences with children already:
1) when we were pulling in to the bus station when getting back from Galway, a boy threw a piece of food at the window right at my face!!
2) I was walking to class one day and looked over to where a school bus was driving and probably about 5 children were giving me the finger. I was amused and horrified at the same time.
3) I was walking to the fitness center with Amanda and Liz Friday and I made this noise imitating myself drunk, and a kid walking by imitated me, in a very mocking way. To which I finally said to Liz and Amanda, "The children here are such little shits!" I sounded like my Grandma.
Wednesday I had my dance tutorial again. I got better at the lesson she taught us last week, and she actually turned on some Irish music, and it was fun to actually dance to music! However, then we tried partner dancing, and I then got lost again.
Thursday I actually had homework to do. I wrote up the answers to an article my Social Inequality teacher wanted us to read. I went to my tutorial that afternoon and actually participated, mostly because our grade depends on us actually saying something while we are there. I wanted to just get it over with right away so when he first asked a question I started to slowly raise my hand, but then some guy just started talking. I felt silly. I just like raising my hand for some reason as opposed to just launching in to my own monologue.
Thursday night I went out to the Stables for the first time in about 2 weeks! Thursday is Late Bar- they're open till 2 AM. Usually it closes at around 11:30. It was a lot of fun. I tried a new beer, even though I wasn't crazy about it. I did a lot of dancing and even talked to a few cute guys!
Friday I went to my 9 am lecture, did my assignment for my Irish Contemp. Issues class, went to work out with Liz and Amanda, and then despite being pretty tired from Thursday night at the Stables, ended up going again for Famous Couples Night, which was put on by the International Society. Basically, a girl gets a name tag with a famous woman on it (i.e., Marge Simpson) and a random guy would get Homer Simpson, and you have to work your way around the pub to find your match. I was Britney Spears, and I was supposed to find K-Fed. I ended up finding him. He was nice, but sort of shy. I can't remember his name, but I had my picture taken with him so I can always treasure that memory haha. I did a lot of dancing that night too, and by the time I left, I could tell I was definitely getting sick. I ended up going back to Amanda and Liz's. Katie, Liz, and Erin were making chocolate chip cookies.
Saturday, we explored more of Limerick. We saw St. Mary's Cathedral, which was absolutely gorgeous inside. We didn't get much time, because they were about to close it up for the day, but it was so raw inside, like with stone-like walls inside. It's my favorite church/cathedral so far.
After that, we went to King John's Castle. We'd already seen it from the outside when we got a bus tour of the city when we first got to Limerick, but that day we went to the visitor's center. It was definitely the most touristy of the castles we've been to so far, but it was really interesting and cool. We went up the stairs of one of the towers, and when we got to the top, we had a magnificent view, and as luck would have it the sun came out!
We explored a little more, then went to the gift shop.I found a present for my mom, and I also got my Claddagh ring! It's not an original, but I really like it. It's sparkly. It is a little big because I have ridiculously tiny fingers, but I love it!
The hands are for friendship, the heart is for love, and the crown is for loyalty. It is used as wedding rings a lot in Ireland. I wikipedia-ed it and found that Jim Morrison of the Doors exchanged Claddagh rings when he got married. It is called Claddagh because of the town near Galway it originates from.
Saturday night, went back over to Liz and Amanda's and ate pizza and cookies and watched TV. We discovered this hilarious, outrageous show called Benidorm. I think I may have been overtired, but it was cracking me up. I really do like British humor. I love Simon Pegg movies, and Ricky Gervais, and now this show. It's too crazy to explain, but Amanda and I were in tears practically.
Yesterday, we were going to go to Mass at St. Mary's, but I decided to skip it because I woke up feeling horrible. I did want to meet up with the others though, but it turns out the bus doesn't start running till about 11:30 Sundays. Katie and Liz decided they wanted to go back to bed, but I still wanted to run out and get a few things, especially since I got ready and everything being sick and all. So Amanda, Erin, and I went downtown and went to Dunne's, the Wal-Mart esque grocery store. Last night my house celebrated Kathleen and Leona's birthday, which is today, but I was way too sick and tired to participate. My medicine made me very sleepy, but I felt like I was only half asleep and could hear quite a bit of the party. When my alarm went off for my 9 AM class, I was too tired and my throat hurt, so I decided not to go. I am feeling a little better now, but I'm still pretty stuffy. I plan to go to my 4 PM class.
This weekend we are planning to go to Dingle, which is on the coast! I've seen a lot of pictures and it looks amazing!
On Thursday, it will be a month since I left America. That's insane! Time has flown by, and I've been loving pretty much every minute of Ireland so far. I'm honestly a little surprised I didn't experience that much homesickness. I can't wait for next month when I get visitors :)
Take care of yourself, kid! I think you're not homesick because we talk/IM every day just like when you're in EC! Glad you're having such a great time. In 4 weeks I'll be there too!!! :)